Book Clubs

Tremonton Library Book Club
Welcome to the Tremonton Public Library Virtual Book Club! Book discussion is held on the first Tuesday of the following month starting @ 7:30 pm on Zoom. The link will be posted on our Facebook group each month.
Tremonton Facebook Book Club PageBook Club Sign Up
Hoopla Book Club
Everything you need to host a book club. Hoopla provides all the resources you need to host clubs in person or virtually. Find discussion guides, author Q&As, further recommended reading, meeting planners, and more!Always Available, Always Free
The hoopla Book Club program is free through your local library; all you need to get started is a valid library card!
Book Buzz
Book Buzz is a service of the Utah State Library. The State Library maintains a collection of approximately 600 book sets, all consisting of at least 15 copies that may be circulated to any Utah resident for the use of their local book group or book club. Among the titles available, one would find classics, fantasy, non-fiction, graphic novels, clean reads, young adult literature, and so much more. There is something for everyone! Book sets may be checked out through Tremonton Public Library, or by contacting the State Library directly.